Diane spent less than 2 hours creating this site. It is the content that takes time! How do these news organizations do what they do? In a major effort to get the website live, we spent our entire day off in Bend choosing which pictures to upload, adding comments to the photos, uploading videos onto YouTube, etc. It is such a bummer to work online at night and days off. We want to play, but we feel we need to record each day so that Diane will remember it next week, much less next year. She has issues with remembering life’s adventures unless they are either really good or really bad. All of the details are just gone for her without a visual.
This cycling trip has really been a lot of fun so far and we are truly enjoying the people we are meeting in each town and the time we are able to spend together. Although I’m sure we are not the first to do this, we did not find any content like this site on the web. We are working hard to make this website informative in case others want to do the same type of trip in the future on any scale. For most, a state is enough!
We actually took these photos as we left Bend the next morning.
Today, our hosts left us to our work, but only after Sheri had set up breakfast and lunch for us. Later that night, Bill took us for a tour of Bend. What a beautiful city. Cycle centric but with a cool atmosphere. We both agreed we could see ourselves living in Bend someday if we ever get to old to ski in and ski out of our front door!
Bill was a seriously interesting person. He has lived a life for sure. Detective, brewmeister, college brewmeister instructor, private detective, military ops instructor. Oh, and I should not forget the homemade ginger ale, the live 100 year old yeast that grows for their bread. So boring was this stay…
And Sheri, well, she is just a mere contractor. Not just a house here or there, but entire developments. We are so average.
Thanks to both of you for being great hosts. We’ll see again soon, but on motorcycles next time.
No Riding Today